Ike Accepts Nomination (1956)

San Francisco, United States of America (USA). CU. American President Dwight Eisenhower and Vice-President Richard Nixon superimposed over crowds with banners. GV. Massed crowds in San Francisco’s Cow Palace waiting to hear a representative Charles Halleck placing Ike’s name before the convention. SV. Charles Halleck on platform about to announce Ike’s name, lead in for voice. CU. Charles Halleck speaking and placing Ike’s name before the convention (natural sound). GV. Massed crowds in Cow Palace cheering and waving large banners “America Needs Ike“. SV. Massed crowds waving banners. SV. Girls dancing up and down - cheer leaders style. LV. Exterior, President Eisenhower standing up in car waving to crowds, & SV. Eisenhower standing up in car waving to crowds. LV. Massed crowds in the street. SCU. President and Mrs Eisenhower about to walk into building. AS. Interior of Cow Palace, mass of balloons descending from roof. SCU. President and Mrs Eisenhower about to walk into building. AS. Interior of Cow Pal
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