What prevents someone from joining a network marketing business? No matter what you do, there are some people who will seek to undermine, subvert, invalidate, or even sabotage your efforts. I promise it will happen. My dad threatened to disown me if I got out of the military to do network marketing. If you’re looking to advance in life -- pay close attention to this video. It will help you get a good understanding of this feeling to protect yourself and your interests.
00:00 - Your prospect is afraid of being undermined
01:20 - Undermine
02:48 - Subvert
04:04 - Invalidate
04:39 - Sabotage
05:24 - Understand these words so you can spot the behavior
06:34 - A small percentage of the population WILL do this to you
08:41 - My friends laughed at me when I started a business…
11:41 - Has someone ever sent you a negative article on MLM?
13:22 - Health Inspector dances after ordering restaurant to close
18:14 - Restaurants are being destroyed… and she is dancing
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