ON THE BALL starring Scotland’s Internationals
Produced by Pathe Pictures Ltd with the co-operation of The Scottish Football Association and the Scottish Daily Record. Commentary by R E Kingsley.
On the pitch at Wembley, the Prime Minister meets the Scottish team. Coverage of 63rd Scotland v England International football match. The footage features Jimmy Delaney, Andy McLaren, Archie McCawley, Gordon Smith, and Tommy Pearce. Slow-motion action replays and cheering crowds.
Young boys playing football in a park (Colin, Sandy and Ian). Gordon Smith and Willie Thornton are practicing nearby and start playing with the boys. The men invite the excited youngsters to watch them practice. They all leave the park together. The players entrance to the pitch - the boys and Smith and Thornton enter the pitch. The players practice with their team. CU the three boys watching excitedly.
The narrator introduces the players as we watch them in action.: Goal keeper - Willie Miller. Left Half - Alec Forbes, Ri