"Thistle and beetle" pattern embroidery tutorial /Простая вышивка для начинающих "Чертополох и жук"
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How to embroider a thistle by hand. This embroidery is quite simple and suitable even for beginners.
- 5 embroidery stitches
- 8 colors of DMS embroidery floss
How to transfer a drawing to fabric, see this video
0:00 Thistle and beetle hand embroiderey /Вышивка “Чертополох и жук“
0:20 how to embroider grass stems with grains / как вышивать колосья
5:15 how to embroider leaves /как вышивать листья чертополоха
10:59 how to embroider a thistle flower /как вышивать цветы чертополоха
17:34 how to embroider a beetle /как вышивать жука
I’m glad to see you on my channel. If you are here for the first time: my name is Galina, I am an embroidery and patchwor
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