3D Cosmetics Mockup - Packaging - Full Workflow - Blender - Cycles X. Follow along while we create premium cosmetics and packing shots through 3D product rendering from start to finish! We cover modeling, lighting, materials and more!
Free Cosmetic Product Pack -
Instagram -
Gumroad -
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:20 - Modeling
00:05:38 - Scene Setup
00:07:10 - Shot Composition
00:07:50 - Lighting
00:09:44 - UV Unwrapping
00:10:18 - Texturing
00:11:20 - UV Unwrapping continues
00:14:38 - Mask Texture
00:16:20 - Backdrop Material
00:17:35 - More Lighting
00:18:10 - Rendering
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