Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, David Guetta, Afro Bros - She Knows with Akon (Visualizer)

Discover ’Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, David Guetta, Afro Bros - She Knows [with Akon]’ on your favorite streaming platform: Click the bell to subscribe to the Smash The House channel for your weekly dose of new music: Multi-platinum Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike announce their forthcoming debut studio album - “Rewind Repeat,“ with the release of its first single - “She Knows,“ a massive collaboration with David Guetta, Akon, and Afro Bros. Their debut body of work will see the duo throwing back sonically to the 90s’ and drawing inspiration from trance, techno, rave, hardcore to also pull at some nostalgic heartstrings for many listeners. It’s no secret that the #3 DJs in the world know how to throw a celebration, and they’re pulling out all the stops with a number of unique features and events prior to the full album release. For a multisensory experience, most singles on the album will be accompanied
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