Wedding food in Kabul Afghanistan Episode 2 | Village wedding food | full wedding ceremony | Walima
Wedding food in Kabul Afghanistan Episode 2 | Village wedding food | full wedding ceremony | Walima | Preparing kabuli pulao in Marriage Episode 2 | Marriage food | Village style wedding in Afghanistan Laghman province | Shadi ka Katwa | Walima food | Rural Wedding Food | full Wedding ceremony | Chipse fry
#NationalMirror #Kabul #VillageWedding #WeddingFood #Afghanistan #RuralweddingCeremony #Walima #KabuliPualo
In Afghan weddings, the bride and groom are traditionally kept in separate rooms. The bride is represented in the Nikah by her father or a close male relative.
Afghani people usually cook kabuli pualo with meet for guest in wedding , its also call Walima
Watch Episode 1 here: