Monteverdi, Rossi and Allegri - Le Poème Harmonique led by Vincent Dumestre - Early Music Festival

Ensemble Le Poème Harmonique led by Vincent Dumestre perform the programme ’Anamorfosi – Miserere & metamorphosis’ with Neapolitan religious songs by Claudio Monteverdi, Luigi Rossi and Gregorio Allegri during the Utrecht Early Music Festival 2019. The music Anonymous - Venite, ò voi gentile Anonymous - O Vergin santa Rossi - Sinfonia Rossi - Un allato messagier Monteverdi/Albanese - Si dolce è’l martire Anonymous - Domine ne in furore tuo Monteverdi/Profe - Pascha Concelebranda (from: Ambrosius Profe, Gei
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