Alex Jones speaks to media at Sandy Hook defamation trial | FOX 7 Austin

The conspiracy theorist and Infowars host was ruled liable for defamation after claiming the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax. Now the chosen jury will have to determine how much money two parents of a six-year-old get paid. DETAILS: #FOX7Austin brings you the important stuff like breaking news, weather, and local stories out of Central #Texas. But also plenty of fun stuff, like #GoodDayAustin, the best of our archives, and all those ’only-in-#Austin’ stories. Subscribe to FOX 7 Austin: Download the FOX 7 Austin News app: Subscribe to the FOX 7 Austin newsletter: More from FOX 7 Austin: Got a news tip? Call us at 512-472-0988 or email us: ktbcnews@
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