The Mama Luigi Project - Super Mario World Reanimated Collab 2017 (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

The Mama Luigi Reanimate Collab! In honor of one of the most famous episodes of the animated DiC classic, Super Mario World, gets a reanimated remix! I am extremely excited and proud to present this collaboration. Over a year in the making, with over 227 participating artists and animators that helped recreate 255 total scenes! This collaboration was organized and brought to you by Andrew Dickman of ElectronicHeroes! Thanks so much to all the wonderful contributing artists!! FOR A FULL LIST OF ALL CREDITS! Please head to this Google Document: A special annotation version can be seen on Newgrounds: If you’d like to donate to Electronic Heroes with future content, I’m looking for books and donations. You can contact me via email: @ ELECTRONIC HEROES PO Box 10852 Burbank, CA 91510 USA You can also donate and tip via paypal: https:/
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