Wembley Stadium, London.
Start of the Amateur Football Cup final between Pegasus and Bishop Auckland. SV. Captains tossing. GV. Packed Wembley stadium, & SV. GV. Kick off. Bishop Auckland kicking right to left. Pegasus get ball and start to attack. MV. Typical fast attack. LV. H. J. Potts running in from wing, centres, but Davison intercepts and clears up field. LV. Bishop Auckland attacking. SV. B. R. Brown (Pegasus goalkeeper) getting ready to deal with attack. SV. Brown collects ball and kicks up field. SV. Pegasus supporters wearing mortar boards. SV. Crowd. LV. Pawson taking corner.
... SV. W. H. White. (Bishop’s goalkeeper) jumps for ball. It slips out of his hand but Hardisty hooks ball back just as it is crossing line. Pegasus appeal. LV. Pegasus’ first goal - Dutchman’s centre sailing through air, Potts heads goal. SV. Hardisty collects ball from net and pats goalkeeper on back. SV. Crowd cheering. LV. Bishop Auckland with nice passing movement start to attack, & MV. LV. Potts collecting misplaced passShow more