Cirque D’Hiver, Paris, France.
MS. Wrestler grabs other by ankle and throws him - fight between Freymond and Renaud. Opponent retaliates, they grapple on floor. MS. One lifts other and throws him out of ring into laps of spectators. CU. Rowdy section of audience. MS. Wrestlers stalking each other round ring one on offensive punches other on jaw. More shots of wrestling. CU. Excited woman spectator clapping. MS. Speeded up scene as they throw one another and referee goes down on floor to check whether wrestler’s shoulders were on ground. They stand up and seconds give out towels. Man in audie
...nce chewing. MS. Wrestler after butting one round ring finally jumps and knocks him over with his feet. MS. Wrestler run at opponent as he rises and tries to kick him over but misses and falls over other one promptly falls on top and gets him in lock. MS. Referee checking shoulders and counting up to three. CU. Man in audience. GV. Audience. MS. One knocks other over as rises opponent rushes him. He holds ropes apart aShow more