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The new single and the video!!! You may turn on the volume up to experience it fully and if you like what you heard and saw, kindly share it with your friends.
The footage for the video was taken from the “Glimpses of Vraja“, a series of short videos on the holy land - Sri Vrindavan Dham, used with the kind permission of the producer. You’re warmly welcome to visit .
Video credits:
Produced by HH B.B. Govinda Swami
Director of photography and camera: Maxim Duzer
Edited by Denis Alibašić
Color edit by Simon Gosnik
Music credits:
Recorded in Polestar Studio by Radhamohan das in
... March 2013
Music arranged and composed by Radhamohan das and Dhyan
Lyrics by Dhyan
Two sentences of the lyrics were taken from Sri Vraja Dhama Mahimamrita (The Nectarean Glories of Vraja-dhama) by Srila Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami.
Hare Krishna maha-mantra (The grShow more