(By VocaloP / ボカロP別)
“Calalini“ is a song featuring Kaai Yuki by Crusher. The original version was based on the real life case about Jani Schofield who, as a young girl, was misdiagnosed with childhood-onset schizophrenia. Her parents, Susan and Michael Schofield, claimed that Jani had over 200 hallucinations which come from her hallucinated island “Calalini“. This song was made to show awareness of childhood onset schizophrenia.
After Jani’s parents discovered the song in early March 2013, they contacted the producer and collaborated with her to create a line of tank tops, T-shirts and sweaters to raise money for the foundation. The line, at Jani’s request, features Crusher’s interpretation of 24 Hours (one of Jani’s hallucinations). Crusher later stated that they did not make nor expect to make any money off of the project.
At some point, Crusher did not keep contact with the family, but did have Michael Schofield, the father of Jani, as a friend on Facebook. However, due to inappropriate topics and issues regarding him and a woman, Crusher realized this was not a good situation to be in and blocked all parties involved. They did not wish to be involved with the Schofields again.
In March 2017, Michael was quoted to a tumblr post stating that he did not find the song insulting nor glamorizing. Although there were some inaccuracies about how the hallucinations were presented.
In August 2017 the producer stated that there would be a rewrite of the song using Kaai Yuki V4 as they hated the lyrics of the original and remembered that Planty-P (a controversial POCALOID user) did the mixing for the original. This version is found on the “CONCIENTIA“ album. Crusher later apologized for its inclusion to the album as they explained that they wanted the chance to rewrite it into something better. However, they acknowledged that no matter how many times they may try to rewrite it, the original context and connotations would always be a part of it. It was later removed in the free upload of the album via Crusher’s website, but streaming services featuring the album will still contain it. This is due to Crusher not having any control nor rights over the album. Like the claim regarding profit from the project and apparel merchandise, Crusher made no profit through the album either.
In 2019, it was revealed that Jani Schofield was not schizophrenic and that her symptoms were manufactured, induced and encouraged by her parents, Susan and Michael, who would doctor shop for medication with which to drug their daughter with. Jani no longer takes medication and acknowledges that she is not schizophrenic. Unfortunately, due to Michael and Susan’s abuse and because she was heavily medicated for most of her life, Jani was emotionally and developmentally stunted. Jani now lives in a group home for developmentally delayed girls, where she is receiving an education and appropriate care.
Cien Miller (also known as Cien M, Crusher, Omega Destroyer Dictator Crusher, and Bunny Lord, and formerly known as Crusher-P) debuted August 2010. They are an American song writer, singer, producer, and illustrator. In the VOCALOID community they were for their horror themed works. Their current songs are emotionally driven, thus explaining why they don’t upload songs often.
They first gained popularity with the song “Rugrats Theory“ but is most well known for the hit song “ECHO“.
They are voice provider for UTAU (turned DeepVocal) Watase Maki.
1. “Rugrats Theory“ Megurine Luka September 3, 2011 music, English lyrics, video
2. “HIM“ BIG AL September 24, 2011 producer
3. “Calalini“ Kaai Yuki March 03, 2012 music, lyrics, illust
4. “Call me Captain“ Prima December 08, 2012 producer
5. “Aokigahara“ Hatsune Miku December 12, 2012 music, lyrics
6. “Finally, The End Of The World! (Except Not Really)“ Kaai Yuki December 21, 2012 producer
7. 3 Letter Word Hatsune Miku September 13, 2013 producer
8. “WILDFIRE!!“ GUMI English September 21, 2014
9. “ECHO“ GUMI English October 8, 2014
10. “ATHENA“ CYBER DIVA January 22, 2015
11. “RUN AWAY“ CYBER DIVA January 22, 2015
12. “THUNDERSTORM“ CYBER DIVA January 22, 2015 music, lyrics
13. “HAYWIRE“ MAIKA, Hatsune Miku V3 English, Tohoku Zunko January 30, 2015
14. “愛“ Chika February 8, 2015 illust
15. “Crystalline“ GUMI English March 05, 2015
#VocaloModernism #VocaloDisorder #oswk
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