Message from the Founder Alex Richter: ANTd (Russian)

Every day the world of decentralized finance is breaking new records for attracting investments. For example, from July 20 to August 24, the volume of funds invested in this sector increased from $96 billion to $155.7 billion. 👏 Our platform could not overlook such a promising opportunity. Especially that we already joined the DeFi boom last December and gained a lot of experience. Now we have taken the best from the past of our decentralized product and decided to create a new one! đŸ’„ ANTd is our own DeFi token #2, which is not a stablecoin. When released into free circulation, its initial price will be $1, and a year later, it will reach the $2,000 mark. This means that everyone who purchases ANTd will easily make money on the growth of his rate.
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