Community tribute of the “Travelers’ Encore’ soundtrack from Outer Wilds by @andrewprahlow 🪐 Organized on Reddit (/r/outerwilds) and audio edited by /u/EternumTitan, video edited by Mallonum (myself).
⚠️ Don’t watch this video if you haven’t played Outer Wilds and Echoes of the Eye.
Thank you to the 39 travelers who contributed to this project (credits just below).
Original music composed by @andrewprahlow, Outer Wilds is developed by Mobius Digital Games and edited by Annapurna Interactive.
------------ CREDITS ------------
(by order of appearance, most usernames are from Reddit)
...CKS: SolidSizzle, EternumTitan, Saengim, upgradetech, Apatizer-Bread, gregorydiehl, FrBaguette, Graeme171, Ricky, packingpeanutgremlin, woofle07, WilliamS, Saltxero, Nev_Altan, Hugo737
FELDSPARS: Ugoman666, upgradetech, EternumTitan, AlexCadwish, Graeme171, Xenosound, RedstoneWolf2001, Garlicspaceship
GABBROS: Golden-Clovers, Rubyfireruby, woofle07, SolidSizzle, Graeme171, SimonofSpace
CHERTS: Xenosound, That1DireWolf, upgradetech
ESKERS: AlexCadwish, Rubyfireruby, Graeme171, Golden-Clovers, Obbie, Jovate, radiocabel
SOLANUMS: Mallonum, SolidSizzle, M0Bot3217 (@morwennabrown), Xenosound, Uber_Goose, BinExis, Swiefie, monkeypants844, Endtimes_Nil, Nick Ragland, KogarashiKaze
PRISONERS: Jovate, AfricaByTotoWillGoOn, SimonofSpace, ZakTheSlack, That1DireWolf, Graeme171, Mallonum, SolidSizzle, headlemon14, EternumTitan, woofle07
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