A tribute to the 29 men who died November 10, 1975, aboard the Edmund Fitzgerald in Lake Superior.
Announcer (0:04): An air and sea search is continuing for possible survivors of the Edmund Fitzgerald, a 729 foot ore carrier, which apparently broke apart and sunk last night on Lake Superior. The ship and its 29-man crew vanished in a storm with 80 mile-an-hour winds and wave heights up to 25 feet. All that has been found is an oil slick and some debris.
song begins at 0:17
Radio Transmission (3:11): “We last had contact with ’em, the mate had talked to him ... at about 10 minutes after 7, 19:10, and he said he was going along fine and no problem.“
Radio Transmission (3:21): “But it looks from the information that we have that it’s, uh, fairly certain that the, uh, Fitzgerald went down.“
Radio Transmission (4:04): “Uh, no, I didn’t have him, uh, visually, I had him on radar; he was, uh, exactly 10 miles ahead of
2 months ago 00:25:57 1
Curators’ Tour of Silk Roads exhibition at the British Museum