Alec Guinness Talks about His Love for George Lucas and STAR WARS

Alec Guinness talks about his love for George Lucas and STAR WARS during this 1977 interview with Michael Parkinson. Alec Guinness portrayed Obi-Wan Kenobi in George Lucas’s original Star Wars trilogy. He was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 50th Academy Awards for the original 1977 film STAR WARS. He initially negotiated a deal for 2% of the film’s royalties paid to the director, George Lucas, who, upon the warm reception of the film with the press and film critics, and as a gesture of good-will for the positive amendments and suggestions Guinness proposed to the screenplay for the film, offered Guinness an additional 0.5%, bringing his share to 2.5%. When Guinness enquired about the share with the film’s producer Gary Kurtz and asked for a written agreement so as to codify his earnings, Kurtz revised Lucas’s offering down by %, bringing Guinness’s final, agreed-upon share of royalties paid to the director to % (Lucas received one-fifth of the overall box o
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