I AM GOD Anunnaki Origins in Bible; Nephilim Rephiates Anakims Igigi Sebitti Arba the Giants!?
This video contains biblical proof of the Anunnaki and All there creations known as Igigi , Sebitti, Anakims, Anak , Anakites, Arba, Rephaites and the the Nephilium is Part 1 of two parts. Next video shows physical presence of the Anunnaki Today. NLT Genesis 1:26, 6:4, 10:6-12. Dueteronomy 1:28, 2:10-11, 9:2. NLT Joshua 11:21-22, 14:12, 14:15, 16:10. Thank You God and You for Watching. In Jesus Name. Spirit of God is a nonprofit corporation. Contact Email:7spiritsofgod7@(:)