1. Iestyn Rees & Kenny Williams vs. More Than Hype (Darren Kearney, LJ Cleary & Nathan Martin) (Three On Two Handicap Match)
2. Kasey (c) vs. Aivil (ICW Women’s Title Match)
3. POD (Ashton Smith & Rampage Brown) vs. The Purge (Krobar & Stevie James)
4. Andy Wild vs. Mark Coffey
5. Joe Coffey (c) vs. Liam Thomson (ICW Zero-G Title Save Pro Wrestling Rules Match)
6. Krieger vs. Paul Robinson
7. Joe Hendry vs. Leyton Buzzard (Career Versus Freedom Of Speech Match)
8. Aaron Echo & Kieran Kelly vs. Kings Of The North (Bonesaw & Damien Corvin)
9. Jackie Polo vs. Kushida