Freya Ridings - Wither On The Vine (Live at Alexandra Palace)

Freya Ridings - Wither On The Vine (Live at Alexandra Palace) Subscribe to Freya’s channel: Connect with Freya: @freyaridings Piano and Vocal - Freya Ridings Drums - Jonathan Tuitt Bass - Arran Powell Guitar - Harry Smith Trumpet - Joe Aukland Sax - Frank Walden Trombone - Dave Williamson Cello - Mat Roberts Violin- Evie Hilyer-Ziegler Backing Vocals - Emily Holligan and Simone Richards Keys - Will Bloomfield MD - Ewan J Phillips Produced by Blend Films @ Directed & Edited by Charles Gall @charlesagall Producer: Laura Manners @lauramannersphotography Production Manager: Sophie M...cDonald @sophmcdonaldd 1st AD: Danny Rumbelow @rumbelowdanny 2nd AD: Alex McAllister @alexmcallister Runner: Jess Emens @jess_emens Director of Photography: Jed Darlington-Roberts @jed_dop Steadicam Operator: Gary Kent @karygent Focus Puller: Kiloran McLaren @kiloranmclaren 2nd AC: James Burns @jammyburns Gaffer: Massimo Filipi @blundellstudios Electricians: Jack Cullis & Charlie Ring Trainee Spark: Alessandro Bononi Floral Design: Wild Renata Flowers @wild_renata_flowers Floral Art Direction: Lara Sanjar @lara_sanjar Florists: Candice Haynes @bohotany & Annie Leckie Hair & Make-up Artist: Terri Capon @terri_capon Stylist: Aoife O’Doherty @aoifeodohertystylist Location Sound: Alex Langner @langner_alex Colour Grade: Matthias Stoopman @ Artist Management: Joe Munns: Laffitte Management Group Label - Good Soldier / AWAL Recordings Head of Marketing: Nathan Liddle-Hulme Marketing Assistant: Sophia Photiou #FreyaRidings #WitherOnTheVine
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