“Get Jinxed“ - Mafia Version

“I’ve got a recital! ...Everyone’s invited!“ ~Mafia Jinx If Mafia Jinx had the swinging jazz cat recital she deserves, we believe it would sound a little something like this! A cover of the original “Get Jinxed“ song by Riot Games, this version takes all of the original’s anarchist energy and puts it in a musical setting inspired by the Roaring 20’s. The song can be downloaded here: Vocals by Aly Lagana Piano by Micah Valdez Percussion #leagueoflegends #league_of_legends #лигалегенд #лига_легенд Leagueoflegends дуфпгущадупутвы Лига Легенд Liga Legend Kbuf Ktutyl LOL ЛОЛ League_of_legends дуфпгу_ща_дупутвы лига_легенд kbuf_ktutyl
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