Rᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ CENTURIES [Ancestor Mep]

It is finally done!! Homestuck Ancestors mep to Centuries! It turned out really amazing and thank you so much to everyone who took part!! *It is pitched due to copyright. No pitch and the video gets removed. *Negative comments will be removed Programs used are Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas, and After Effects. ~~~~~~~~~~ Part 1: WinryRockbell2208XD - Summoner Part 2: MiKii MS - Disciple Part 3: TheBronkel - Dualscar Part 4: Vivid Lights - Handmaid Part 5: sxrlove06 - Dolorosa Part 6: SonicZephyr06 - Signless
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