2010 medvedev and putin cartoon song dancing with english subtitles BEST
This translation is for Americans who don’t speak any Russian and want to at least “get“ the jokes that are in the Putin-Medvedev New Year’s Day Cartoon. Here you go!
Some liberties were taken with the actual words in order to make the couplets rhyme. However, the ideas of the jokes are fully represented.
Frank Lee speaking, it would be impossible to understand the actual jokes without having an advanced understanding of Russian. (Example: “Yushenkami“ is both a play on words involving Ukrainian president Yushenko’s name as well as meaning that Ukraine would pay for gas with “puppies“ rather than currency). Yu-shenk-owe gets this idea across more or less the same. Also, most Americans don’t know who is Oleg Direpaski, so it’s enough simply to refer to “oligarchs“.
These trade-offs were made because, if you can read this, you aren’t here to learn Russian, you are here to figure out what the Russians are laughing about.
My sincere apologies to anyone from the cities of Sochi or Pikhalyova, Oleg Direpaska, the Ukrainians or anyone else who feels cheated by any particular omissions of my translation.
Since the Putin-Medvedev song reminded me of the weird Russian cabaret musician scene from the movie “Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears“ the first 12 seconds of my video include a mashup from that movie. There is also extensive and gratuitous key-framing.... because I just figured out how to do key-framing.
“Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears“ is a very good movie. I recommend that you watch it sometime. It’s here on YouTube along with most of the Soviet MosFilm catalog.
Happy 2010!
Please watch my worldwide New Year’s Show next New Year’s Eve at
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Человек с бульвара Капуцинов (1987).
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Дарья Донцова. “В гостях у Дмитрия Гордона“. 1/2 (2010)