This is what I like to call a ‘fixed polarity’ version of “Reject” by Moby, off his Little Idiot EP! The Little Idiot EP is a set of 9 ambient tracks released as a bonus disc with initial copies of *Animal Rights*. The songs on this EP seem to suffer from a mixing error in which the polarity of either the left or right channel was swapped. This makes the song into a wide-stereo image rather than a centered one and it sounds quite weird as a result, and when listened to in mono (like when played out of a phone speaker), many frequencies are cancelled out and lost. This polarity issue affected a
...ll the songs that derived from the Little Idiot EP (except for the edited version of “Old” on the US edition of *Animal Rights*, oddly enough). It can be hard to note the issue across many of these songs, as the phase constantly shifts, but it is most apparent in “Dead Sun” and “The Blue Terror of Lawns”. I fixed this polarity issue for the song you hear now.Show more