DrobyshevskyKarateSystem:Empi Combat Bunkai-3-Basic Combination-Knife Defense and Disarm
Bunkai Empi in Action! Basic Combination: Gedan Barai, Age Tsuki, Kami Tsukami, Otoshi Tsuki & Ushiro Gedan Barai for Knife Defense, Weapon Disarm and Atemi.
The name Wanshū (腕秀) in Mandarin means “Excellent Wrist“ and refers to a typical technique of this form. This name is especially true for the basic combination of kata, where successive movements of the forearms down (Gedan Barai) and up (Age Tsuki) provide a unique opportunity is fast and safe for you to push up the hand of the enemy with arms. Following combination involves the simultaneous movement of the forearms down (Otoshi Tsuki) and up to the side (Nagashi Uke), which allows to perform unexpectedly armbar of enemy forearm with weapons and disarm him.
Wanshū, while still bearing this name in certain karate styles, was renamed Empi by Gichin Funakoshi for use in Shotokan. Empi which translates to mean ’The Flying Swallow’ (’Em’ meaning flying and ’Pi’ meaning swallow). Gichin Funakoshi felt the up and down swooping movements were a close resemblance to the swooping flight of a swallow. These movements are also seen in basic combination of kata.
WARNING: Practice at your own risk! NONE of this is legal advice, you and you alone are responsible for your own actions and the choices you make!
AUTHOR BUNKAI-Konstantin Drobyshevsky, Chief Instructor of KarateSystem:
COMBAT BUNKAI performs Semenov Dmitriy and Karlov Alexey. RUSSIA, the city of Vladimir, the School of Martial Arts:
Elements of kata EMPI perform Aleksandra Sadofyeva, Black Belt, 1 Dan, Champion of Russia in Karate. RUSSIA, the city of Vladimir, the School of Martial Arts:
Karate - a great achievement of civilization, must reach their full potential for new followers and all his life faithfully serve him as a reliable means of self-defense. No need to go to other martial arts in search of a miracle of technology. In karate there is everything for an effective self-defense. All this is given to us by the Great Masters of the past. Our task is to reveal this potential and to bring to you.
Karate Bunkai Kumite - open group on Facebook, joining in which you can get all the news on bunkai kata: