I said at the beginning of the season that Wade Goode of All Goode Racing was going to be one Rock Bouncer Racing driver to watch and boy was I right. This was his first race season in a full size rock bouncer and he not only won the Outlaw Offroad Racing Series Championship but was a contender to win the Southern Rock Racing Series 2022 cup as well before having a tough break that placed him in second for the year. He also won the Rush Rock Bouncer Knockout Racing event. His driving style is on the ragged edge of out of control and that is what makes him fun to watch but also what makes him so dang fast. The wild thing is he is working with less power than many of the drivers in the sport, his naturally aspirated stroker LS engine is only making around 700-800hp. Compare that to some of the drivers make well over 1000 and more like 1200. Stay tuned for the 2023 race season as we think Wade Goode Racing will make things exciting to watch as he makes other top name drivers push the limits to compete. #
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