Well. I had an idea for a while to make a countdown-like level. But not like time trials. So I decided to do that. I used 256 crates for that since it’s the limit possible to add. The thing is when you activate the TNT, every TNT will explode one after one and destroy the last crate that lets you get out of the level. The thing is to finish the level as fast as possible. I added a few gems too so don’t spoil yourself if you don’t wanna see in the video where they are. A fun mod that took me 3ish hours to do. Also I disabled the collisions because the monkey bars would be too long to move on, and you would result as a time out.
You need to press the blue button “Download - 344 MB“ and close the pop-up that arrives after. (I can’t do anything about that, sorry :/) and it should download. After, go extract the .rar file with WinRar. Launch , go in the CD/DVD tab, Iso selector, and Browse. Select the TWOC NTSC Grea file (should be .iso or .bin normally, I don’t remember which one I put in the .rar but both works) and go after on System tab, and Boot ISO (fast). Normally, you should see a 2nd window opening. Return button on your keyboard is to fast-forward, well you can choose that on Config/Controllers (PAD). And after (last step I promise), just go on System tab, load state, slot 0.
In game, just click F1 to save, and F3 to load. F2 is for change slot save.
I hope it helps!