Top 100: Best Indie Games Classic / Классика инди игр (2000-2014)
Here you can see a collection of the most popular projects in independent industry since early 2000’s to 2014. The list was formed by collecting statistics on reviews on Steam, Metacritic, Opencritic, and the World of Indie community also helped. The order is random, not alphabetical and not by ranking. You will definitely find something extraordinary. Don’t forget to place Like and subscribe to my channel.
Подборка популярных независимых проектов 2000-2014. Список формировался путём набора статистики отзывов в Steam, Metacritic, Opencritic, а также в сообществе World of Indie ВКонтакте. Порядок случайный, не алфавитный и без расстановки по местам. Не забываем ставить лайк и подписаться на канал, если вам понравилось видео или вы просто захотели меня поддержать.
AlexBeroza - Drive
cdk - Don’t Go (RumbleStep Mix)
George Ellinas - Hornet
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Author / Автор видео:
Game List:
00:00 Intro, Super Meat Boy
00:11 Don’t Starve
00:16 Cave Story
00:21 Terraria
00:26 Limbo
00:31 Machinarium
00:36 Closure
00:41 Gunpoint
00:46 Lone Survivor
00:50 Crimsonland
00:56 Papers, Please
01:01 Dungeon Defenders
01:06 Deponia
01:11 Super Hexagon
01:16 Brothers: A Tale of two Sons
01:21 Spelunky
01:26 Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
01:31 Braid
01:36 Goat Simulator
01:41 To the Moon
01:46 140
01:51 Hotline Miami
01:56 Knock - Knock
02:01 Risk of Rain
02:06 Rogue Legacy
02:11 Teslagrad
02:16 Shank
02:21 VVVVVV
02:26 Orcs Must Die
02:31 Kentucky Route Zero
02:36 UnEpic
02:41 The Binding of Isaac - Rebirth
02:46 Blocks That Matter
02:51 Dustforce
02:56 Luftrausers
03:01 AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
03:06 Nihilumbra
03:11 Bastion
03:16 Osmos
03:21 Superbrothers - Sword and Sworcery EP
03:26 Space Station 13
03:31 Legend of Grimrock
03:36 Dust: An Elysian Tail
03:41 World of Goo
03:46 Journey
03:51 Vessel
03:56 Amnesia: The Dark Descent
04:01 FTL: Faster Than Light
04:06 Awesomenauts
04:11 Shadowrun Returns
04:16 FEZ
04:21 Nidhogg
04:26 The Swapper
04:31 Monaco: What’s yours is Mine
04:36 Castle Crashers
04:41 Electronic Super Joy
04:46 Thomas Was Alone
04:51 Minecraft
04:56 Guacamelee
05:01 The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
05:06 Dungeons of Dredmor
05:11 Kingdom Rush
05:16 Capsized
05:21 Broforce
05:26 Eufloria
05:31 Dwarf Fortress
05:36 RUNNER
05:41 Shovel Knight
05:46 Trine 2
05:51 Transistor
05:56 Deadlight
06:01 Octodad - Dadliest Catch
06:06 I Wanna be the Guy
06:11 Audiosurf
06:16 Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams
06:21 Outlast
06:26 Year Walk
06:31 Mark of the Ninja
06:36 Antichamber
06:41 Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
06:46 The Bridge
06:51 Realm of the Mad God
06:56 Surgeon Simulator
07:01 Gish
07:06 Five Night at Freddy
07:11 This War of Mine
07:16 King Arthur’s Gold
07:21 The Banner Saga
07:26 Element4L
07:31 Frozen Synapse
07:36 BattleBlock Theater
07:41 And Yet it Moves
07:46 Darwinia
07:51 Botanicula
07:56 Pixel Piracy
08:01 .
08:06 Crayon Physics Deluxe
08:11 The Stanley Parable
08:16 Aquaria
08:21 Dear Esther, Outro
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