Warped Perception - GoPro Inside a Car Tire (With Balance Beads)

I mount a GoPro inside my car tire together with balance beads to see how the balance beads work while driving. Balance beads are supposed to automatically balance your tire out, or you can use them in already balanced tires. It’s really interesting to see how the balance beads work from an inside the tire perspective. This was a hugely requested video on my previous putting a GoPro inside of a tire video So thank you too all that made that request. Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:10 Badly Dry Rotted Tires 00:39 The Balance Beads 01:09 Mounting GoPro 01:36 Putting balance Beads In Tire 03:00 Wheel On Balancer 04:29 Reversing 04:50 Driving Low Speed 05:27 Driving Med Speed 06:12 Driving High Speed 07:29 Removing GoPro ► Facebook: ► Instagram: ☢► IMDB: ? ► Twitter: Carbon 12 Produced By: Carbon 12 Directed By: Matt Mikka
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