Static Abyss - Jawbone Ritual Lyric video (taken from Labyrinth Of Veins)

STATIC ABYSS - LABYRINTH OF VEINS - the debut studio album of eerie Death/Doom metal depravity from Greg Wilkinson and Chris Reifert of US gorelords, Autopsy Released on 22nd April on Peaceville Records on CD, LP and digitally Pre-orders available here: Static Abyss is the new mouthpiece for a rotten age consisting of the duo of Greg Wilkinson (Guitars/bass) & Chris Reifert (drums/vocals), both members of legendary American masters of sickness Autopsy, with Greg (also of cult act Deathgrave) recently welcomed as their new bass player. Static Abyss’ debut studio album, ‘Labyrinth of Veins’, presents an unnerving, multi-layered eerie concoction of dirty doom and death, Chris Reifert states the album themes are to “explore the echoes of insanity manifested through human existence.” The result; a sinister onslaught of, at times, slow and bludgeoning brutal metal whilst at others whipped into a storm of chaotic vile hysterics. The spirit of Autops
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