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Credits to @matthewsteele99 for making the flag of Crimean Germans I used from 7:19-7:29
0:00 Intro
0:09 Canon ending - Hearts of Iron IV - The War Ends
0:19 Invasion ending - Gavin Liuranium - Surprise Attack
0:29 Alternate Russian ending - National anthem of the Russian Federation
0:39 Greater Russian ending - same as above
0:49 Absolute Russian ending - Russian anthem earrape
0:59 Compromise ending - zevnikov - This Song Will Stop Russian Soldiers (🇺🇦Dedicated To All Victims in Ukraine🇺🇦)
1:09 Compromise ending 2 - same as above
1:19 Compromise ending 2.5 - same as above
1:29 Ukrainian ending - National anthem of Ukraine - Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy, i slava, i volia ( instrumental)
1:39 Alternate Ukrainian ending - same as above
1:49 Greater Ukrainian ending - same as above
1:59 Absolute Ukrainian ending - Ukraine Anthem EARRAPE
2:09 Divided ending - Hearts of Iron IV - The War Ends
2:19 Divided ending 1.5 - Hearts of Iron IV - The War Ends
2:29 Divided ending 2 - Gavin Liuranium - Surprise Attack
2:39 Divided ending 3 - Gavin Liuranium - Surprise Attack
2:49 Independent ending - National Anthem of Crimea - “Гимн Крыма“
2:59 Independent without Sevastopol ending - same as above
3:09 Tatar ending - Anthem of the Crimean Tatar people - “Ant Etkenmen“
3:19 Khanate ending - same as above
3:29 Soviet Ukrainian ending - Державний гімн Української РСР - State Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR
3:39 Soviet Russian ending - National anthem of the Soviet Union
3:49 Soviet Republic ending - Same as above
3:59 Soviet Taurida ending - “The Internationale“ - National Anthem of the USSR (1922–1944)
4:09 Soviet failure ending - Internationale slowed down
4:19 White victory ending - Гимн свободной России - Hymn of a Free Russia
4:29 White failure ending - Hymn of a Free Russia (old recording)
4:39 Ukrainian exile ending - “Ще не ўмерла Україна” — Anthem of the Ukrainian People’s Republic [AltHistory]
4:49 Anarchist ending - Mother Anarchy Loves Her Sons | Ukrainian Anarchist Song
4:59 Empire ending - God Save the Tsar
5:09 Greek ending - Civilization V OST - Alexander Peace Theme - Epitaph of Seikilos
5:19 Roman ending - Anthem of Rome - Inno
5:29 Byzantine ending - ’’Τῇ ὑπερμάχῳ’’ | National Anthem of the Byzantine Empire
5:39 Islamic ending - “Ey Güzel Qırım“ - “Oh Beautiful Crimea’’ - Crimean Tatar Folk Song
5:49 Non-Soviet Communist ending - Шеитлернинъ Хатрына - In Memory of the Fallen (Soviet Crimean Tatar Song)
5:59 Novorossiya ending - National Anthem of Novorossiya (Vocal in Russian and Ukrainian)
6:09 Ottoman ending - Ceddin Deden
6:19 Lithuanian ending - Пагоня - Anthem of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania AltHistory
6:29 Commonwealth ending - National Anthem of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569-1795) - Gaude Mater Polonia
6:39 Polish ending - Bogurodzica - National Anthem of The Kingdom of Poland
6:49 Mongol ending - IN PRAISE OF GENGHIS KHAN
6:59 Cossack incursion ending - Anthem of the Don Cossacks - “Гимн Всевеликого войска Донского“
7:09 Gothic ending - GOTHIC - HYMN
7:19 German ending - Rosamunde Polka - German Oktoberfest song
7:29 Nazi ending - Horst Wossel Lied
7:39 Romanian ending - Romanian Royal Anthem: Trăiască Regele
7:49 Turkish ending - İstiklâl Marşı
7:59 Pan-Slavic ending - Pan-Slavic Anthem - Гей Славяне (Hey Slavs)
8:09 Pan-Turkic ending - TURKCAN - Anayurt Marşı (Tek parca)
8:19 Belarusian ending - MY BELARUSY EARRAPE
8:29 Cursed Transnistrian ending - National Anthem of Transnistria - “Слэвитэ сэ фий, Нистрене“ (“We sing the praises of Transnistria“)
8:39 Disappeared ending - Earthbound - Sanctuary Guardian
8:58 Outro
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