American Battlefield Trust The Peninsula Campaign: Animated Battle Map

🎯 Загружено автоматически через бота: 🚫 Оригинал видео: 📺 Данное видео принадлежит каналу «American Battlefield Trust» (@AmericanBattlefieldTrust). Оно представлено в нашем сообществе исключительно в информационных, научных, образовательных или культурных целях. Наше сообщество не утверждает никаких прав на данное видео. Пожалуйста, поддержите автора, посетив его оригинальный канал. ✉️ Если у вас есть претензии к авторским правам на данное видео, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по почте support@, и мы немедленно удалим его. 📃 Оригинальное описание: In the spring of 1862 during the American Civil War, Union armies invaded the South on nearly every front. General George B. McClellan’s army was the largest and most dangerous. His massive movements on the Virginia Peninsula were opposed by smaller but equally dangerous Confederate forces under General Joseph E. Johnston and Robert E. Lee. After moving his Army of the Potomac by boat to Fort Monroe in late April, McClellan began his movement “On to Richmond!“ via the peninsula formed by the York and James Rivers. By June of 1862, following its slow advance up the Peninsula, McClellan’s army was so close to Richmond Union soldiers could hear the church bells ring in the city. The end of the war seemed near at hand. But in a bold stroke, Robert E. Lee took the initiative, attacking the Union army in what would be known as the Seven Days’ Battles. Union and Confederate positions in Spring of 1862 McClellan moves south to Fort Monroe Drewry’s Bluff Seven Pines Lee moves to threaten Union railroad Gaines’ Mill Savage’s Station Glendale Malvern Hill Lincoln visits and orders Union retreat
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