Lord Louis Mountbatten Arrives Home From India AKA Mountbattens Back From India (1948)

Heathrow Airport, London, England LORD LOUIS MOUNTBATTEN ARRIVES HOME FROM INDIA. C.U. the Duke of Edinburgh in naval uniform. M.V. Lord Earl Louis Mountbatten and Lady Mountbatten shaking hands with reception committee beneath the wing of plane. (York Aircraft) C.U. plane propellor stopping. C.U. Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and Lord Mountbatten, pan to Mr. Attlee. . Pan Duke of Edinburgh, Lord Mountbatten, Mr Clement Attlee, Lady Mountbatten, Mr. Attlee, Lady Mountbatten and daughter. M.V. Lord Mountbatten, Mr. Attlee and Lady Mountbatten. M.V. the High Commissioner for India, Krishna Menon, Lady Mountbatten and Mr Attlee. . Duke of Edinburgh, and Mountbattens daughter. C.U. Lord Mountbatten shaking hands. M.V. Lord Mountbatten walking with the High commission pan to the Duke of Edinburgh with Lady Mountbatten pan to back view of Lord Mountbatten and High Commissioner. M.V. Duke of Edinburgh walking through crowd. M.V. Lord Mountbatten and the High Commissioner inspecting naval ra
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