The Archangel God Sent to Destroy Satan & the Fallen Angels
Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In today’s video, we’re going to discuss Michael, unequivocally the most famous angel and widely regarded as the most powerful angel in Christianity, one of the few angels actually named in the bible and one of the only angels who features on every archangel list, of which there are many. Most notable are his martial triumphs, personally duelling the demon who presided over the Persian Empire, and leading the host of heaven against Satan and his rebel angels, the result of which was the precipitous expulsion of the insurgents down from heaven to earth, where prior to subsequent defeats, they would wreak havoc in the years leading up to God’s final judgement.
We’re going to begin with a miscellaneous assortment of information, then focusing on Michael’s role in the bible, and finally, examining how he fits into the angelic hierarchy - this last discussing how he’s considered the most powerful angel when the archangel choir is one of the lowest ranked ange