How to Make Armenian Yogurt

Anush and Emin fom the village of Shenik teach you how to make Armenian yogurt. Special thanks to Gohar, our gracious host who let us use her home! Read a blog entry by the filmmakers here: The cow, milk, and subsequently yogurt in the video was made possible by a collaboration between COAF and the Heifer Project. An international organization, Heifer International works with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth. It does this by giving families a source of food rather than short-term relief. The goal of this partnership has been to create sustainable economic growth through an investment in smallholder cash crop and subsistence farming communities. Part of the agreement between the Heifer‐COAF program and the beneficiary community is that in exchange for livestock and training, families will donate one of the animal’s offspring to another family in need. The investment this project has ma
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