Amazing Pin Art!

The music in the video is my newest song. Called “Time Catcher“ You can download it here: =sr_1_3?s=musicie=UTF8qid=1330492070sr=1-3 Add me on Facebook (click the like button on facebook to add me) Believe it or not, this was my biggest effort on any videos I’ve done. It took the most time, the most patience, the most research and the most money to create. Surprisingly one of the hardest things was to find bulk colored push pins. I ended up having to order about 40,000 push pins in “variety packs“ in order to get all of the colors I needed. There are approximately 15,000 push pins in the portrait. I worked on it a little each day for about a month. The final portrait weighs about 40 pounds, which includes the cork board. I built a wooden frame to support it. I was afraid that when I lifted it, it would break under it own weight. So the fr
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