《風再起時》Where The Wind Blows
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🌟 代表香港角逐第95屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳國際影片
導演 | 編劇: 翁子光 Philip YUNG
監製: 朱嘉懿 Julia CHU, 李錦文 Peggy LEE, 唐慶枝 Patrick TONG, 曹敬文 Kingman CHO
領銜主演: 郭富城 Aaron KWOK, 梁朝偉 Tony LEUNG, 杜鵑DU Juan
70年代,香港廉政公署成立,對貪污探長進行追捕,揭開殖民地時代落幕前的篇章。曾因不受賄而飽受壓迫的警察磊樂 (郭富城飾)與南江(梁朝偉飾), 想要改變現狀,而攜手建立警察貪污制度,並坐上總華探長位置。然而,權利膨脹導致黑白勢力失衡,磊樂太太蔡真(杜鵑飾),因幫其上位而受黑社會遷怒,一直跟隨他們的肥仔B(周文健飾)及嚴洪(譚耀文飾)等人,亦幾近翻臉。歷史交替,廉政公署全球通緝貪污探長,磊樂與南江隻手遮天的年代謝幕。 風再起時,香港已不同往昔。
In the 70’s, Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption(HKICAC) was founded. The mission to hunt down corrupted detectives unveiled a new chapter of the colonial Hong Kong. Lui Lok (Aaron Kwok) and Nam Kong (Tony Leung) who used to be two rightous police officers wanted to change the status quo. They built an empire of corruption by controlling organized crimes and eventually took the position of Chief Chinese Detective. However, power struggle has always been the cause of chaos between the triad and police. Lui Lok’s wife, Tsai Zhen (Du Juan) was targetted by the triad for helping her husband in gaining his position. Even the most loyal detectives Fat-Bee (Michael Chow) and Yim Hung (Patrick Tam), almost turned their backs to Lui Lok. A new episode of history has begun when HKICAC issued the wanted notices for Lui Lok and Nam Kong. Their era has officially come to an end. Where the wind blows, Hong Kong is no longer where it used to be.
#風再起時 #WhereTheWindBlows #香港電影 #翁子光 #PhilipYUNG #AaronKWOK #TonyLEUNG #DUJuan #郭富城 #梁朝偉 #杜鵑 #大地電影 #美亞娛樂
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