A moonlit path by Alicia Ruva - reading Anna Troegubova #aliciaruva

«A moonlite path» by Alicia Ruva Sometimes it happens as soon as all cats fall asleep covering their muzzle under their left paw, a new moon dives into the ocean to wash off the stardust and have a the way, that is exactly the stardust that makes all the wonders of this world happen, so if you are ever lucky enough to see a falling star, then be sure to open your pocket in time for a , at least some of it will get there... Слушайте сказку “Лунная дорожка“ в исполнении Анны Троегубовой Инстаграм @anna_troegubovaи наслаждайтесь иллюстрациями Шин Унчджанг Инстаграм @likefortuna Приятного прослушивания! Дизайн Юлии Андреевой kurai_kaname@ Музыка: #velesound Sánche
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