Austria in May 1945 in color and HD (Gramastetten and Linz)
This footage is taken on May 5 and May 6, 1945 in Austria, mainly in Linz.
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0:00 Gramastetten in Upper Austria. Gramastetten lies approx. 10 km northwest of Linz. The village was attacked on the way of the US troops to Linz on May 3rd 1945 in the evening by a tank battalion and an infantery battalion, supported by several artillery batteries of the 11th US tank army and defended by a company of the Grenadier Ersatzbataillon II/462 and parts of the 3rd SS-Panzergrenadier Ausbildungsbataillion. Gramastetten suffered heavy damage during the battle, which lasted into the night. The church to be seen still stands there today.
5:20 Linz Urfahr - Donaubrücke - Linzer Hauptplatz. The Bridge (Nibelungenbrücke) become the frontier between the russian sector (Mühlviertel) and the american sector (Hauptplatz, southside of the Donau). The bridge and the northern facade of the central place in Linz
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