The Immune Systems Reaction to Invasion

I am NOT A DOCTOR and give no advice ...I simply display research to the general public and target physicians with new info they might have missed like this..... 2021 may 19 NIH probiotics.... “Conclusion ..... Evidence supports probiotics’ role in regulating the immune system, suggesting a definitive role for probiotics in viral infections. Probiotics supplementation could reduce the severity of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality. Probiotics can inhibit cytokine storm by simultaneously boosting the innate immunity and evading the exaggeration of adaptive immunity, which is challenged to respon...d quickly to the viral onslaught. Probiotics-induced suppression of the inflammatory cytokine response may prevent both the severity and the occurrence of ARDS, making probiotics an attractive adjunct. Inventing effective therapy will transform the impact of the pandemic on lives as well as economies across the globe. Therefore, supplementation of probiotics in
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