Эволюция видео игр с 1952 - 2013

1952 - tennis for two 1972 - Pong 1976 - Breakuot 1978 - Space Invaders 1981 - Donkey Kong 1982 - PacMan 1983 - Mario Bros 1985 - Super Mario Bros 1989 - Populous 1991 - Sonic the Hedgehog 1992 - Wolfenstein 3D 1992 - Alone in the Dark 1994 - Fifa 94 1995 - The Need for Speed 1996 - Quake 1997 - GTA 1998 - Half Life 1999 - Age of Empires II 2000 - Tomb Raider 5: Chronicles 2000 - The Sims 2001 - Max Payne 2002 - GTA 3 2002 - Medal of Honor: A
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