Pain of earth! Million cubic of water fell on Bali, Indonesia! Flooding in Tabanan

Pain of earth! Million cubic of water fell on Bali, Indonesia! Flooding in Tabanan Heavy rains that hit the Tabanan region caused the water level in the river to rise and caused flooding. One of the impact was felt by the residents of Tibubiu village of Kerambitan district and Beraban village of Selemadeg Timur district. The flooding of the Ye Ho River forced the temporary closure of the connecting bridge between the two villages. Local official confirmed on Friday, that the extreme weather that has occurred over the past few days has led to a rapid increase in the flow of the Ye Ho River. A vital connecting bridge, which is a pathway for the local community, is temporarily impassable. Flash floods also occurred in a number of places such as Dalang villages, Bantas villages, Gunungsalak and Gadungsari villages. Several videos show floods filling settlements and submerging roads, paralyzing life in the local area. #heavyrain #flood #bali #indonesia #weather #storm #taban
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