West Side Story: An Unappreciated Masterpiece

Who could have thought that you could do so much with so little? Twitter: Twitch: Patreon: Edit: I meant to say that Anita and Maria were to-be sister-in-laws, not sisters! Because if Anita had eventually married Bernardo then the two would have been sister-in-laws, but somehow that line didn’t make it from the script to the final recording. Oops! Sources: West Side Story: The Tritone and the 7th There’s a Place for Us: The Musical Theatre Works of Leonard Bernstein Smith, There’s a Place for Us: The Musical Theatre Works of Leonard Bernstein&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjonLK_7tPgAhUM4oMKHUnsCSYQ6AEINjAC#v=onepage&q&f=false Modeling Com
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