“El Pueblo Undio Jamás Será Vencido“ is a Chilean socialist song written by Quilapayún in 1970 to be used as an anthem for Salvador Allende’s Unidad Popular government. It was only after the US-backed military coup in Chile on September 11th 1973 that the song really took off in popularity. Anti-Pinochet such as the FPMR and MIR used the song locally while many leftists internationally used the song and translated variations to stand in solidarity with the Chilean people.
De pie, cantar
que vamos a triunfar.
Avanzan ya
banderas de unidad.
Y tú vendrás
marchando junto a mí
y así verás
tu canto y tu bandera florecer.
La luz
de un rojo amanecer
anuncia ya
la vida que vendrá.
De pie, marchar
el pueblo va a triunfar.
Será mejor
la vida que vendrá
a conquistar
nuestra felicidad
y en un clamor
mil voces de combate se alzarán,
canción de libertad,