We do not make cover-versions often.
But we made “Perun’s Celestial Silver”, a song of our Ukrainian friends Nokturnal Mortum. And of course, we have changed something in the song. The lyrics of the new version were written by our friend Ales Plotka ( ) - he got a work of art that touches a nerve and causes bright pictures in the minds. Formerly this song was about something unearthly, now it has actual meaning.
But we did not change the melody of Nokturnal Mortum, we just sang their song with our sound. This is our tribute to the musicians; it is our gift to the audience!
Some songs could live more than two decades. “Srebra Pieruna“ is a kind of such a song.
Мы нечасто делаем кавер-версии.
Но мы сделали песню наших украинских друзей Nokturnal Mortum “Perun’s Celestial Silver” . И само собой, мы кое-что изменили в песне. Текст новой версии написал наш друг Алесь Плотка ( ) - у н
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