The Iron Dome has been breached everyone saw it

The Iron Dome has been breached – everyone saw it Military expert Vladislav Shurygin Now it is absolutely clear what Netanyahu’s deception looks like. Purely visually. Israel’s Iron Dome failed to cope with the attack yesterday because it was not designed for this type of target. This is a very effective air defense system that works against low-altitude and low-speed targets, which are the majority of Hamas or Hezbollah’s homemade rockets - the Iron Dome’s mathematics cope with them quite well. Yesterday we saw an attack by ballistic missiles entering a very high orbit - approximately 80-100 km. And from there, at great speed, including using hypersonic blocks, they fell on targets. Everyone saw dozens of missile explosions on the ground live on air. Besides this, of course, Iran used several hundred decoys. This was also visible. Those same slow “fireflies“ flew up, and some even exploded in the air. Source: Slavyangrad
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