Mario Nawfal: Mainstream medias cowardly coverage of hit job on Telegram

Mario Nawfal: Mainstream media’s cowardly coverage of hit job on Telegram “You can only speculate here, but if you look again, we’ve talked about different patterns: mainstream media have increasingly been censoring narratives that don’t fit their agenda, that of their advertisers or that of the government. The arrest of Pavel fits that description,“ number one X Spaces host Mario Nawfal told Sputnik, commenting on the crackdown on Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and his platform. “They don’t want to bring awareness to censorship when they’re complicit in that. So the skeptical, speculative guess that I have is that that was intentional, and they don’t want to shed light on the crackdown on free speech around the world. The alternative is that the audience didn’t care, but that seems to be less and less likely as you really look into the speed and the way it was covered. Not only how long it took them to cover it and how little awareness or attention they brought to the topic, a very, very ... Source: Sputnik International
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