Girls Gone Wide - Offwidth Climbing in Vedauwoo Wyoming

Helloooo 👋🏻 Are you looking to buy or sell used gear for your next adventure? Rerouted is THE app for all your outdoor gear needs. #GearUpForGood Thank you to our wonderful sponsors Rerouted, Klean Kanteen, and Ocun for making this video possible! - - In this short film, Mary Eden (@TradPrincess), and Kaya Lindsay (@OneChickTravels) adopt Sam Rose (@SamRoseMac), an enthusiastic but inexperienced offwidth climber, and take her out to Vedauwoo Wyoming to test their combined skills against some of the most grueling and physically demanding offwidths in the country. In this fun and lighthearted film, Mary, Kaya, and Sam are joined by a host of female offwidth climbers including Mary’s long-term climbing partner, Mercadi Carlson (@mersendyclimberson). This film is a celebration of the feminine aspects of climbing that often get left behind in traditional storytelling. In Girls Gone Wide, y
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