The best performances this week on The Voice | HIGHLIGHTS | 14-01-2022
In ‘Best of the Week’ we highlight the best performances that happened during this week on The Voice.
What’s your favorite performance? Let us know in the comments below👇
🚨 This video features the following performances:
00:00 Jørgen Dahl Moe sings “Dancing In The Dark” by Bruce Springsteen (Blind Auditions, Norway)
02:30 Daniel Vincke sings “Pookie” by Aya Nakamura (Blind Auditions, Belgique)
04:44 Lanfranco Carnacina sings “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” by Bob Dylan (Blind Auditions, The Voice Senior Italy)
06:55 Nadir Rüstəmli sings “Xatirədir” by Alim Qasımov (Live Shows, Azerbaijan)
09:12 Fresco sings “White Winter Hymnal” by Fleet Foxes (Blind Auditions, The Voice Generations Lithuania)
11:29 Krzysztof Prusik sings “Dopóki jesteś” by Skaldowie (Blind Auditions, The Voice Senior Poland)
13:10 Pilarín de España sings “Cómo han pasado los años” by Rocío Dúrcal (Blind Auditions, The Voice Senior Spa